Friday, 28 August 2015

War memorial in Newlyn

Visiting the war memorial in Newlyn with Bridging Arts volunteer Mike Matthews. It was dedicated around 1920. The stonework was created by local stonemason Mr Snell of Newlyn: the Bronze sculpture is the work of L. S. Merrifield. It's right outside the Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen at the entrance to North Pier. The bronze now has a green patina - reminiscent of the panels that decorate the Newlyn Gallery a few hundred yards away. These were created for the Gallery opening in 1894.

Bronze panel on War Memorial in Newlyn

The bronze panels on the Gallery were created by members of John Drew Mackenzie's Newlyn Industrial Class - set up in the early 1890s 'to provide a useful occupation for young fishermen in times of unemployment'.  

The gallery itself is an immensely solid building financed by Passmore Edwards, very reflective of the wealth and certainty of the late Victorian years.
On the way back to the car we see more architecture perfectly of its period - Tudorbethan - a new word to me but Mike says it was typical of the 1920s and 30s, bringing together mock Tudor, Jacobean and Elizabethan elements.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Volunteer spots possible new idea for Stitch project

Our volunteer Katrina Williams has an eagle eye for the new and unexpected - and spotted this embroidered book cover, a wonderful venture from Penguin.
Perhaps we'll develop something similar in our Stitch project - looking at the ways embroidery and needlework can bring people of very different backgrounds together.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

A rainy moming in Truro and discussions on Heart of Conflict

A very rainy morning in Truro but good to visit the Royal Cornwall Museum for a meeting on Heart of Conflict. We're in the process of working out next steps....
It's always wonderful to see thethe museum's fantastic gold and ancient artefacts (and of course Nick Jensen's skateboard on display on the ground floor).
En route from the car to the Museum, a kind passerby points out the wonderful lionheads on this terrace. She says they look like J.B. Priestley.
Perhaps - and what a wonderful terrace!

Saturday, 22 August 2015

A quick link to our latest Education Pack

We're making further plans for Heart of Conflict - marking the centenary of the World War One years - and here's a link to our Education Pack..... for use by groups of all ages.
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed and helped with this.
Pictured (left) Karin Saunders of 7th Camborne Guides with Maisie, who helped interview people and collect memories of the War.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Rachmaninov by candlelight - join us and raise money for Bridging Arts

Not to be missed:  please do come along on Thursday 19 November 2015 for a very special concert by candlelight of Rachmaninov's All Night Vigil at St Martin-in-the Fields, central London.

This is part of the Brandenburg Choral Festival of London with the innovative London Chamber Choir Illumination, conducted by Alexander Campkin. We're delighted that a percentage of ticket sales will be going to Bridging Arts.

The concert lasts just one hour. To book, go to Eventbrite or email

Monday, 10 August 2015

War flags in churches

This flag from World War Two in Boldre Church in New Hampshire hangs in a corner - very much like the huge ensign from the Battle of Jutland in St Just Church, Cornwall. We are still gathering stories and information for Heart of Conflict, our work in Cornwall marking the centenary of World War One.

The Boldre Church flag marks a tragedy. It's a memorial to battlecruiser HMS Hood which was sunk by the German ship Bismark in 1941 with the loss of 1,415 lives. Only three people survived.  One of those who died was Vice Admiral L.E. Holland who had been a member of the congregation at Boldre Church for many years.
There are so many war graves in Boldre Church graveyard: there was a Canadian airbase nearby during World War Two. 

Friday, 7 August 2015

Event at Penponds Church - November 2015

It seems a long way off now - but why now mark Friday 6th November (evening) in the diary now?
We'll be at Penponds Church near Camborne, in Cornwall, as part of our World War One project Heart of Conflict.
The evening - which starts at 7pm - will look at the background to the extraordinary World War One War Memorial in the church created by Canon James Sims Carah.
Craig Carey-Clinch, a member of the congregation, has done extensive research into the names on the memorial as has Carol Richards, who lives locally and is a graduate of Camborne School of Mines (CSM). Many students from CSM attended the church. The evening will present this research and other local stories.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Visit to Helston Museum with Redruth Boys' Brigade

A great visit last night to Helston Museum with Redruth Boys' Brigade as part of Heart of Conflict, our work marking the centenary of World War One.  We were VERY grateful to Tracey Clowes for opening the Museum especially for the group. Also to Mike Semmens for driving the minibus over.
It was a very important date to visit - 4 August 2015 was exactly 101 years on from the start of the War.
The group of boys (and one girl) had the chance to handle objects and ask lots of questions. This visit followed on from our visit to the Boys' Brigade meeting in Redruth Wesleyan in April.
Tracey Clowes (left) led a tour through the Museum

Helston Museum plans a WW1 exhibition this autumn, looking at women's roles

We got the chance to handle various pieces from the Museum's collection - here a pair of football boots 

The group, spellbound. Daniel (third left) was spotted taking notes.
What a privilege to visit a museum with one else there and having the curator to ourselves!
Back to the bus. Very many thanks to Mike Semmens who drove the group over.

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