
Friday 27 October 2017

Random acts of kindness

 It was very kind indeed of Tracy Buckenham of Roche, Cornwall, to get in touch recently. Tracey had recently bought a load of books at a sale and found this Manual for Women's Voluntary Aid Detachments in its midst.  It wasn't of great interest to her - but she realised that someone keen on the subject in that period would be really interested.
She googled World War One in Cornwall and eventually found us - and in particular Valerie Grigg, who lives in Camborne and who has worked so hard on our project marking the centenary of the War - Heart of Conflict.
Valerie has a particular interest in nursing as she was a nurse herself for 40 years. She gave a talk at the Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro, on nursing during World War One last April while our Heart of Conflict exhibition was there.
A huge thank you to Tracy who drove down to Chiverton Roundabout to meet us and give the book in person to Valerie. It meant such a lot to Valerie.