
Wednesday 28 May 2014

War quiz brings out Girl Guides' competitive spirit

Thanks again to the Camborne Girl Guides for paying attention and listening to last week's talk on the First World War, and giving interesting answers to the quiz. It must have been difficult at 7pm on a school night.

It was tricky finding a way to do the subject justice while making it interesting for the audience.
The idea of a quiz seemed to go down well, with Mars bars as prizes. It was keenly contested with 4 teams of 5 girls eager to win. The questions were:

1. How many countries fought in the war?
2. How many soldiers fought in the war?
3. Name one way in which the legacy of the war can be felt today?
4. How many miles of trenches were dug in France?

The team that had the most right answers won the chocolates, and there was a clear winner. Question 3 produced some interesting responses. One of the groups wrote simply: 'We must study it'. They were awarded the point!

Others were more poignant. One group wrote: 'We lost family'.

Congratulations to the winning team, the Parrots, for scoring 3 out of 4.